1. When his children visit the PX on base they shout "Look Mommy there is an Army man" really loud whenever they see anyone in uniform...also they call his uniform an "Army costume".
2. He has learned the phrase "Hurry up and wait" well.
3. When his wife pulls out the military ID card everywhere she goes trying to get a discount.
4. When he shows up for his first weekend of drill expecting to do hard core physical training and sits in front of the computer most of the time.
5. On a "family day" at the lake his wife asks the Colonel in charge to get her husband to play tug of war...(I didn't know he was a Colonel..and I jokingly told him to go tell the 2 Chaplains to do tug of war...Caleb and the other Chaplain came fast because that is what you do when a Colonel says come...my bad)
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