Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sentences and words

Gabrielle wrote the sentence "TODA  si sttembr 28" I did not help her at all...actually I had no clue what she was doing because Josiah was screaming..she asked me what date it was and I told her...wow! She is writing and sounding out! So proud of her!!
 Josiah said "Neigh-Neigh" today...let's see how many of Josiah's uncles read this blog...yes I tried to get him to say his other uncle's names also...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

From pink bears to stomach bugs

It has been an interesting month...Josiah is still loving pink bear (even though I tried to get him distracted by a blue one) and we have had a stomach bug and sore throat/laryngitis at our house. I had the laryngitis which made making phone calls for work and parenting very difficult. Caleb, Josiah, and Joshua had the stomach bug but have recovered. Thankfully it is the end of the month and my contacts for work are made and now it is time to catch up on housework and other things! The twins still love school..they did a feely walk 2 weeks ago where they got to walk through noodles, paint, and other things and use their senses to explain them. They loved coming home with green feet. They are learning their sight words..and, I, a, to and also are doing well learning Bible verses for Awanas. The big thing at Awanas this year is that if they learn verses they earn points and in Dec. they get to go to the Awana's store...let's just say they saw what the older kids bought last year and they don't give me any problems when I say it is time to learn the verses. Caleb had drill last weekend where he actually did some pt. Now he is bogged down studying for his classes...but this weekend we had Parent's Night Out at church where we dropped allll the kids off and went out on a date. We went to dinner and then didn't know what to do..so we went and got dessert...It was nice to talk to Caleb without distractions! So we have had a great month (busy and interesting) but nonetheless good!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pink Bear

Josiah and Pink Bear
Yes, that is a pink bear that Josiah is holding. A few weeks ago I decided to allow him to sleep with stuffed animals since he is 18 months old now and our friends Jen and Daniel's son sleeps well with his stuffed animals. We were desperate for some good night sleeps. But somehow Josiah got a hold of Gabrielle's pink bear and LOVES it. Everywhere we go he wants pink bear to go...he waves to pink bear in the car when we walk into his school. The funny thing is that Caleb and I would have never let Joshua sleep or have or be near a pink bear. I think by the 3rd child we are tired and just want some peace!! So now my problem is that even though Gabrielle has been so nice and let him use pink bear for a month she wants pink bear back...well the whole story is that I asked her if pink bear could be Josiah's for good or if she wanted the bear back before it got really nasty this winter with colds etc. So Gabrielle wants pink bear back...so the problem is: do I get Josiah a pink bear or a blue/green/other color but pink/purple???

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First day of school

Gabrielle and Joshua had a wonderful first day of school. I could not get much out of them but I did gather that they did a craft and had circle time. They like the other 10 kids in their class and I love that it is a small class! I think it is going to be a great year. The teacher already gave us 25 sight words to practice and we are practicing everyday. Tomorrow they go for 2 hours and then next Tuesday they start their regular schedule of 8-12:15.

Playing in the classroom..
In front of school...
Gabrielle, Mrs. Davis (assistant), Joshua, and Mrs. Grubbs (teacher)
Josiah at his school at a different church
Then I was on to Josiah's open house..we met his teacher and he played...he enjoyed the room..not sure about the other children but he liked the crayons! It will be good for him to be with other 1 year olds!